Monday, 13 December 2010

Texts - Music magazine

I created different font to see what would look the best on my magazine. I am going to post a poll to see what is the most popular and what targets my audience. I tried to make them quite different to them i could develop one of them and i may change it slightly. I think they all would go very well with my magazine as i think the all are very different and quite unique.

Mast head name - Music Magazine

I wanted my magazine to be original and have a unique name that would be memorable and link well with my magazine. I looked at what other magazines so see if it could give me some inspiration for the name of mine. I looked at Q, Mojo, Kerrang, and NME. All magazines that are related some way or another to mine.
I came up with a few ideas for my magazine.

Strum - I liked this name as i thought it worked well with my genera, as it is the sound of a guitar being played softly. I thought about the types of music i would be putting in my magazine and thought it would work well as most 'indi' bands play music and especially guitars. Also like Kerrang it was an onomatopoeia, although was totally different and unique.

Unique: I thought this name pretty much summed up the ideology of my music magazine. It also related to the fashion not only the music. It is associated with my target audience as it is for people who are very individual and 'unique'. 'Indi' music isn't mainstream music so i think this name would work well.

Indie-vidual: I liked the idea of having the name of the genera in the mast head although i think it may be to long to put on the front cover. Its simple and basically states the obvious of what my magazine is about. 'indie' music is very individual and i think it would work well.

Melody: I thought that this looks deeper into the genera and explains what is in the music. Although i think it does sound quite feminine and may not reach out to all my target audience. It could also could fit into any genre, it is a very open name and could come up in any music category not only indie.

Wire: I think this sounds quite origional and it would fit with my genere as it would represent the wires of a guitar.  You would definatly tell what genera the magaizne is from. It would fit with the type of music i am aiming to represent.

D-notes: This name sounds very musical and as it is how music is made. All denotes means to have a meaning. This could show that my magazine has a reason and a meaning. Like all the music in my magazine there is a meaning for it weather it to express feelings or to make others happy, they made the song for a reason with a meaning behind it.

I have decided to used the name strum as i think i would connect to my target audience alot better and it would be for a wider audience as you can stum a guitar hard or soft so it would relate to the split in the 'indie' genere. I think it relates to 'indie' music a lot with the use of an onimaterpiea of music.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

LIIAR analysis of KERRANG

I am analysing Kerrang music magazine i am going to look at the codes and conventions to see i could get some ideas from this.I don't think this magazine has the same target audience as mine as it is slightly a different genre. Kerrang's genre is more rock/metal. Although they have the most similar age range, so they may used some of the same conventions. This will give me better ideas what i may include in my magazine.

Language: I looked at Kerrang music magazine to see if it gives me any inspiration for my magazine. The mast head is white on a black background what works very well as it is a great contrast. It also is very bold. They have give the impression of it looking liked smashed glass as they have made black lines through the text giving a smashed effect. The connotation of this could be that they want there magazine to look a little wild and reckless. The font is in blocked capitals and it looks as if it has been painted on giving it a rough effect. The mast head is made to look like a band on the top of the page, like a banner. It makes it look like it is advertising something and makes the name looks important. It also is long masthead so it fills the top of the page. Making the magazine stand out and most magazines have it in the left hand corner. The black and white theme follows through the front cover as the people on the front are stood on a white background wearing black clothing which is a good contrast. The writing saying 'green day' is centered and bold and also in white as they are the main focus of the magazine. Kerrang is a good name for a metal magazine as its an onomatopoeia of how the guitar sounds when strummed hard. There is also a kicker at the side which doesn't follow the colour theme as this introduces the colour red and yellow. This makes it stand out and it shows what is in the magazine. This makes it look quite busy but not over the top. The models are looking directly into the camera, this gives the feeling of authority. It is also taken as a mid shot so it is more focused on there faces. The cover lines are in a band at the top and at the bottom, they have done this so the picture is clear and you can see the full page. Using horizontal lines makes it look neater and more professional.

I then looked at the contents page, it was still very busy and and had lots of illustrations to show what was in the magazine. The picture looked very posed, and the pictures were set out well as it looked very professional. It also established the theme a lot more as it shows lots of different bands what fit within the genera metal.This was to show what bands are in the magazine and if you would be interested They all stick to the genera of metal, they are wearing dark clothing and are rocking out. It sticks to a theme of yellow, throughout, the contents looks very bold as it contrasts against the black. It said 'this week' in black with a yellow background them reversed the colours in the sub headings. The font was the same through out and it looked bold.

Finally i looked at the double page spread for kerrang. It was of My Chemical Romance, what is a typical rock band what would attract the younger audience. It was all black and white and had no colour expert the writing. They used red to contrast with the colour. This stood out against the background. They look like they are enjoying what they are doing and they looked the part. The text, also like the front cover, looked as though it had been painted. By only using three colours made it easier to read although it had quite a lot of pictures.

Institution: Kerrang, also like Q, is published from Bauer Media. What is a world wide publishing company. Kerrang was 1st published in 1981 with AC/DC staring on the cover. It started as a supplement and then because of popular high demand eventually became a weekly magazine.  It has 60% male readership and kerrang is  'the world’s biggest selling weekly rock magazine.' In 2008 Kerrang was at is highest selling point with a readership around 50,128 a week! It is also targeted at the social class C-D as it is for a younger audience and a to people who like this specific type of music.

Audience: The audience would be a rival with my magazine as it is targeted at a similar age group, 16-24. It does seem to attract more of the male gender with 60% being male readers.

Ideology:  The ideology of the Kerrang magazine is very similar to the other music magazines, as it is still being who you want to be and being yourself. Also this adds a sense of  rebellious tone to it as they express through not only there look but emotion and it shows this in the images of them, and the lyrics of most music. It is usually very powerful and has lots of meaning behind it. They are represented as individual people and like to have their own style. They do seem stereotypical as they all wear black and stick to the same beat. The band on the front are very stereotypical for this genera and so is the double page spread. The contents is a little different as it is a lot clearer and looks more though out and well presented but the people pictured in the boxes fit with this genre.


Friday, 3 December 2010

LIIAR analysis of Q

I am analysing Q music magazine to look how i can relate some of the conventions to my own magazine. I think this magazine is related to mine as this focuses on the same genre as me, 'indi' music, although it is targeted at a higher age group. I think it will give me some good ideas as it will give a different view on 'indi' music, a little more sophisticated as it is for an older age group.

Language: I looked at the Q music magazine to see the conventions. The masthead stood out as it was only one letter 'Q'. Q is very memorable and the connotation of this could cue to start the song. It works quite well with it being a music magazine, this was done intentionally. It is surrounded by a red square with white text. These colours contrast so it stands out well, it is quite conventional for a magazine to use these colours as they stand out and are a bold colour. Also the red runs throughout in the kickers and adverts and the white also runs through on the main headline, showing continuity through out the front page. It is places in the left hand corner and the image is over lapping it so it is still obvious to see but the main picture is more important. Once again it is very busy what makes it stand out as it looks like you get a lot for your money, as there is a lot in the magazine. The band on the front are staggered around the page and aren't in a row, they are all looking directly at the camera. This gives the feeling of interaction with the readers. the camera angle is a low angle giving the impression of authority. The cover lines are outlined in a bright orange box to make it stand out with black and white writing. These to colours contrast and stand out this is the denotation but the connotation of this could be that black and white resemble to opposite things what are quite contradicting, like this magazine, it is for older people but it has the new upcoming bands on the front such as the kings of Leon. Also the 'World Exclusive' is put in a box, it is made to look like a stamp as when things get shipped across the world they get stamped. Q, like NME has also used a circular kicker to grab the readers attention. The main focus of the magazine is Kings of Leon although in the bottom left hand corner they have advertised a free CD what covers the quarter of the page. They have done this as 'freebies' always persuade the audience to buy something, they are getting something for free! it also has a little box in the bottom  right corner saying 'plus' the are showing a lot of what it in the magazine on the front cover so that you get a better understanding of what the magazine is about. The picture looks as though the band has been added into the photo but they have tried to make it look as though they are there. They have done this so the models look bigger than they are, the models head is in the sky this could be another connotation, they are now rock stars and they feel as though there heads in the sky.

I then looked at a contents page from Q. The main focus was the picture of the band it was large and filled over half the page. Red white and black followed through the page to keep the same theme. By using red on the page numbers and backing of the headings it makes it recognisable and easy to read and it attracts readers eyes. It was set out quite well and was easy to read. They had heading splitting up this months features and what is in every month also there is a review bit at the bottom. They have done an easy layout as it is for an older age group and it makes it look more sophisticated.

Finally i chose a double page spread to analyse. The article was on Madonna, again a female. This seems to be getting more common in magazines as it is trying to attracts a wider audience. This also shows that the target audience is older as Madonna first started in the late 70's although she continues with her music to this day this could attract a wide age range. She looked very 'hip' with a big silver cross rings and shiny hooded jacket. This gives the connotation of you can be who you want no matter how old you are. She is free to express herself. The text was very bold and they used multiple bright colours such as orange red and blue, this gives off the impression of it being busy as there are colours that are bright and clash like you see when in a club. It is very music orientated as the colours give it a 'buzz' like music.

Institution: Q is published by Bauer Media, now referred to as EMAP. Bauer media is also a very large media production company what produces over 80 different titles, what produces such things as Closer, FHM, Mojo and many more big named titles what includes sports, gardening, pets, golf etc. They also do radio. 'Q retains its pre-eminent position as the number one music monthly brand in the UK and across Europe with 112,532 readers'. - Bauer media reaches over 19 million adults across the UK alone. It is the largest privately owned publisher in Europe and it is sold Worldwide. Q first started in 1986 and has then continued to this day to publish many more. It is targeted at both genres although considerably more men buy this magazine.
Ideology: The ideology of this magazine is to be able to express your self as who you are and age can be a big statement in this. As it is targeted at an older age group they tend to have a band that will target them. It shows that it doesn't matter what age you are if you have talent you should be able to express your self. This could make the target group feel a lot more comfortable with themselves. It also is about respect, you should respect people for who they are and not try to be someone your not. Kings of Leon are placed on the front cover and look comfortable in what they are wearing and being themselves. This shows that The ideology of this is being yourself and not trying to be anyone else, this also applies to the contents page. The double page spread with Madonna on shows that she enjoys what she does and looks well for her age and that she shouldn't be discriminated of her age because she has a great talent.

Ideology:  The ideology of the Q magazine is no matter how old you are you should be free to be who you are and be yourself. It shows this by having older models on the front and Madonna shows it doesn't matter how old you are you should be as old as you feel. If you are able to continue making brilliant music and enjoying yourself you should carry on. This has the ideology if being who you are and being proud of what you can achieve.  Everyone is represented as them selves and how they feel comfortable.

Audience: Q has a different target audience than most of the music magazines out there. They target their magazine at around 25+ so it is for an older audience. This isn't to say that a younger generation wouldn't read it but you can tell that it is for an older audience as it often has older bands on the cover such as U2 and John Lennon, Liam Gallagher. Although these are still popular today they are not main stream and new. They use these so older people will be able to relate to them. They do also use new upcoming bands/solo artists such as Lady gaga and Cheryl Cole but this is so that the magazine isn't to told fashioned and still would be appropriate for that little younger. Q likes to keep the audience wide so that they will get a bigger reader population and also having new bands it keeps the readers feeling young and up to date. I do thing that Q is within the 'indi' genre although they do use bands out of that genre to keep it open to everyone. Lady gaga is pop but she is also very individual in her style.

Representation: The first impression i got when i looked at Q was that they looked quite scruffy and 'indi' like and this shows them being themselves. I don't think it was a bad impression as everyone has there own individual style and they look smart in there own sense of fashion. They look confident with who they are and it looks good. It shows there individuality off and there attraction to the audience. They know they are brilliant and they show it with there position they are stood in. They don't look like they are trying to hard they look as if they are comfortable and quite proud. They have no expression on there faces, this made them look powerful as they are sending a message to the audience whilst being expressionless. The camera is shot from a low angle giving them the look of authority. They will have done this to show there power in music and how much they are respected in the music industry.

The contents page is quite plain and this makes it look very sophisticated. The band in the photo look very relaxed and not very posed although they are positioned on a cliff. They are represented well and look free. One of the band members isn't looking directly into the camera, this shows that they aren't trying to look powerful, they are being themselves and how they feel happy. They look confident in who they are and are represented how they want.

Finally it the double page spread. Madonna always has been very individual and follows her own style and it shows in this picture. She is shown in the photo, doing what she does best and is enjoying herself, she does look posed in the picture although relaxed and confident at the same time. This shows that she enjoys her work and will do her best to succeed, and to succeed she is her self. She is represented well and shows no matter what age you are you are free to be yourself and do what you want to do.