Thursday, 14 October 2010

LIIAR analysis of a magazine - East riding collage Magazine

I am analysing a collage magazine to look at what the conventions are and what most magazines do. This will help me get a better understanding, of what is expected of a collage magazine, and what I will need to include in mine. I am using liar on the east riding collage magazine.

I looked at the language of East Riding Collage Magazine, from December 2009, and found that it wasn’t what I expected. The Masthead contrasts well as it is white on a black background although I don’t think the name was very appropriate. It was called NAME? I thought that It made the magazine look unfinished and not very well thought out. It looked like they couldn’t think of a name to come up with for the magazine. It was very plain text and nothing stood out to grab your attention. It was very simple and quite boring, it had no cover lines about what this issue had to offer it was too plain. There was only one picture and it was the building of the collage. It looked quite sophisticated, although very bland and nothing really stood out especially as it was trying to attract a teenage audience. It didn’t really appeal to me.

Institution: The institution was east riding collage. You could tell as it had a picture of the collage and it had a logo saying east riding collage, this was the biggest piece of text on the front cover so it was easily noticed and well advertised. It also told you about what courses they do at the east riding collage. It shows that they are proud of the collage.

Ideology: Looking at the front cover of the magazine you cant really interpret what the ideology of this collage is. It looks like the values are more to do with the building and less to do with the students as no-one is shown in the picture. The building may be a significant part of the collage and they may have values of respect towards the collage. It looks like they are proud of there surrounding and like to show what there collage is like and hat it can offer. It also has a small piece of text saying such things like ‘hair and beauty’, ‘healthy eating’, and principle. I think this is what they must feel strongly about in this collage. I think that the must have expect for the principle and I think it must have great success in the courses of hair and beauty. I think they must also offer a good rang off food and one of there collage values would be healthy eating.

Audience: I believe that the audience for this collage magazine would be all the collage student. It doesn’t focus on one subject so it could be of an interest to all the collage students who attend east riding collage. It has a general picture of the collage, this could attract new students to the collage.  It looks very sophisticated so I think that it could also attract the students parents, as it has no cover lines it isn’t very clear what this collage magazine is about and ho it would appeal to.

Representation: The image of the building is what is represented in this collage magazine. They have made it the central focus. They have took to at a low angle so it looks like you are looking up at it, so it looks big and modern. The lighting of the building makes it look modern. The structure of the building looks new.

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